Google Tag Manager DataLayer

This is an advanced tutorial and proceed only if understand the risks.

Getting your Theme Ready

  1. Create a new file upside-ucd-gtm.liquid in snippets of your Shopify Theme. Copy and Paste the following code and Save
    function addToCart(event, lineItem, quantity, price){
        upside.ucd.dataLayer = upside.ucd.dataLayer || window.dataLayer || [];

        upside.ucd.dataLayer.push( {
            'event': 'addToCart',
            'ecommerce': {
                'currencyCode': upside.ucd.cart.currency,
                'add': {
                    'products': [
                            'name': lineItem.product_title,
                            'id': lineItem.product_id,
                            'price': typeof price !== "undefined" ? price / 100 : lineItem.line_price / 100,
                            'brand': lineItem.vendor,
                            'category': lineItem.product_type,
                            'variant': lineItem.variant_title || '',
                            'quantity': quantity,
        } );

    function removeFromCart(event, lineItem, quantity, price){
        upside.ucd.dataLayer = upside.ucd.dataLayer || window.dataLayer || [];

        upside.ucd.dataLayer.push( {
            'event': 'removeFromCart',
            'ecommerce': {
                'currencyCode' : upside.ucd.cart.currency,
                'remove': {
                    'products': [
                            'name': lineItem.product_title,
                            'id': lineItem.product_id,
                            'price': typeof price !== "undefined" ? price / 100 : lineItem.line_price / 100,
                            'brand': lineItem.vendor,
                            'category': lineItem.product_type,
                            'variant': lineItem.variant_title || '',
                            'quantity': quantity,
        } );

    window.addEventListener( "Upside::UCD::ItemAdded", function( e ){
	      addToCart(e.detail, e.detail.line_item, e.detail.line_item.quantity);
    } );

    window.addEventListener( "Upside::UCD::ItemChanged", function( e ){
        upside.ucd.dataLayer = upside.ucd.dataLayer || window.dataLayer || [];
        const previousLineItem = e.detail.previous_cart.items[e.detail.line - 1];

        var lineItem = null;
        if( e.detail.quantity > 0 )
            lineItem = e.detail.cart.items[e.detail.line - 1];

            if( lineItem.quantity > previousLineItem.quantity )
                addToCart( e.detail, lineItem, lineItem.quantity - previousLineItem.quantity, lineItem.line_price - previousLineItem.line_price  );
            else if( lineItem.quantity < previousLineItem.quantity )
                removeFromCart( e.detail, lineItem, previousLineItem.quantity - lineItem.quantity, previousLineItem.line_price - lineItem.line_price );

        else if( e.detail.previous_cart )
            lineItem = e.detail.previous_cart.items[e.detail.line - 1];
            removeFromCart( e.detail, lineItem, previousLineItem.quantity, previousLineItem.line_price );
    } );
  1. Include upside-ucd-gtm.liquid in your theme.liquid using the following code:
{% include 'upside-ucd-gtm' %}

Getting Google Tag Manager Ready

You have to create a few tags and triggers in your Google Tag Manager account. Please create tags and trigger similar to the following screenshots:

  1. addToCart Tag:

    addToCart Tag

  2. addToCart Trigger

    addToCart Trigger

  3. removeFromCart Tag

    removeFromCart Tag

  4. removeFromCart Trigger

    removeFromCart Trigger